Welcome to the World of…Me

Do you ever get the feeling that there is something needs to be said, yet no one is saying it?  Like that whole ‘elephant in the room’ concept?  That pretty much happens to me on a daily basis and I began to wonder what if I just started saying things that I felt needed to be said?  Isn’t that the purpose of blogs?  So I decided to start one.  They asked me for a title and as anyone who knows me will tell you, I often over think decisions to the point where anyone else involved gets exasperated.  Funny, the blog site just sits and waits patiently while I over think.  As I do often times in my life, I think what would a certain History professor of mine from Central Michigan University do at this point (you have to know him to love him) and my first thought was “over share” and Ta-Da!  A blog was born.  There is definitely no set topic or theme so over sharing seems about as good of a title as I could come up with.  So from here on in it appears all my friends on social networking sites will be spared extra long ramblings via wall post or status update because I have officially entered the world of blogging.

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